Interface MappedArray<Elements, MappedTo>

Public API of the return value of the map resource.

Type Parameters

  • Elements extends readonly unknown[]

  • MappedTo


  • MappedArray


[index: number]: MappedTo




length: number

Without evaluating the map function on each element, provide the total number of elements

 class Foo {
myMappedData = map(this, {
data: () => [1, 2, 3],
map: (num) => `hi, ${num}!`

get numItems() {
return this.myMappedData.length;
values: (() => { [ K in string | number | symbol]: MappedTo })

Type declaration

    • (): { [ K in string | number | symbol]: MappedTo }
    • evaluate and return an array of all mapped items.

      This is useful when you need to do other Array-like operations on the mapped data, such as filter, or find

       class Foo {
      myMappedData = map(this, {
      data: () => [1, 2, 3],
      map: (num) => `hi, ${num}!`

      get everything() {
      return this.myMappedData.values();

      Returns { [ K in string | number | symbol]: MappedTo }


  • Iterate over the mapped array, lazily invoking the passed map function that was passed to map.

    This will always return previously mapped records without re-evaluting the map function, so the default {{#each}} behavior in ember will be optimized on "object-identity". e.g.:

     // ...
    myMappedData = map(this, {
    data: () => [1, 2, 3],
    map: (num) => `hi, ${num}!`
    // ...
     {{#each this.myMappedData as |datum|}}
    loop body only invoked for changed entries

    Iteration in javascript is also provided by this iterator

     class Foo {
    myMappedData = map(this, {
    data: () => [1, 2, 3],
    map: (num) => `hi, ${num}!`

    get mapAgain() {
    let results = [];

    for (let datum of this.myMappedData) {

    return datum;

    Returns Iterator<MappedTo, any, undefined>

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