A utility decorator for smoothing out changes in upstream data between
refreshes / reload.
when using RemoteData (or some other promise-based "eventually a value" resource),
the value returned from the API is what's useful to see to users. But if the URL
changes, the remote request will start anew, and isLoading becomes true, and the value is falsey until the request finishes. This can result in some flicker
until the new request finishes.
A utility decorator for smoothing out changes in upstream data between refreshes / reload.
when using RemoteData (or some other promise-based "eventually a value" resource), the value returned from the API is what's useful to see to users. But if the URL changes, the remote request will start anew, and isLoading becomes true, and the value is falsey until the request finishes. This can result in some flicker until the new request finishes.
To smooth that out, we can use keepLatest